Friday, May 25, 2018

My LKG teacher

I took my aunt n uncle to an eye hospital in Chennai and was waiting at the reception. That's when I saw her - my LKG class teacher.  I found it hard to suppress my urge to say 'Good morning Miss'. When you read that, did u actually sing 'Goood moooorniiing Miiiss'? Gotcha! That's how I felt like..:)

     I went near her and started to introduce myself, when she greeted me with my name. I was floored. She said that I look the same, confirming every word of my mother's remark 'you never grow up.' 😝

    We spoke about my classmates, our teachers, their whereabouts, etc. Then she held my hand for a while and didn't speak much for sometime. I really don't know what was going on in her mind. May be she relived those days. For me, those few minutes of holding hands are precious. I became that kid again, I became so small in front of my first Guru and loved that innocence bubbling in every cell within myself..Thanks Miss!!


The evening started as usual with the kids settling down to do their homework. Suddenly a feathered friend,  a cute sparrow entered our living room. It started going in rounds not knowing how to get out. The kids ran towards the switchboard to switch off the fans, lest he not get hurt. It landed on a tubelight to rest or make a plan to escape..

He was flying at the ceiling level n the poor thing has to fly low to find itz exit..the kids literally became GPS assistants n ran towards the door many times, as if helping it to make that great escape.

Was it panicking?  Or is it claustrophobic? It made many rounds desperately to fly out. We watched helplessly. The kids were made to sit down quietly.

Suddenly 'the cozy living room for the bigger beings' turned to exact antonyms word-by-word 'the suffocating fatal cage for that smaller being'.

Somehow as luck has it,  it flew low n gracefully made the exit. The kids went ooooooh

We missed the flutter,  the chirps, but the living room became cozy again, with the only reminder, as the solitary feather floated gracefully in slow motion n settled..